I can't update fast enough! There was father's day. K's got another cousin. BIG THINGS! This weekend was sort of a long weekend. Mama and Daddy had their birthdays, a wedding, and threw a bbq. All this meant a big, long weekend for K!
Thursday-K went to the Festa at Grandma and Pop's church...Daddy wanted Lemon Ices, but
there weren't any. Still, K got a balloon, and met a friendly chihuahua.

Friday-Mama's birthday party at Nana and Oji's...with Bobbi too. K clearly loved her icecream.

Saturday-Mama and Daddy went to a wedding, so K spent the night at Grandma and Pop's. She went to an amusement park, road the carousel and the train. That night, more icecream at a local farm, where K saw live cows...WOW!

Sunday-The BBQ...look at patriotic K and her monkey, "Monkey."

Monday-Back at Grandma and Pop's...K ate corn and icecream. Then, since K got messy, and took a bath with her cousin, N. K made sure to point out N's belly, among other things.