Back from Hiatus~K and I got to stay home today. There was no daycare. The provider was not available, and that's fine with me, because I got to use my last personal day. Not bad to spend a day playing Daddy.
Today has been a pretty big day already, and it is only 11:30. For instance, this morning, K, Sydney, and I went on some errands around 9 am. K and I first got the pup a new license, and then got a recycling bin from the public works department. All the people at town hall thought she was SO cute (typical).
Afterwards, we went to get the pool water tested. While this is pretty boring, it was more fun because K kept looking at all the toys and colored bottles and jars at the store. That was pretty fun. Plus, I got a free cookie, and it had M&Ms in it. K missed out, not having teeth and all.
When we got home, it wasn't quite time for K to eat. So, I tried something. Sesame Street was on, and I popped her in front of it, while I folded her clothes. This turned out to be a good choice. On today's episode, Cookie Monster sang C is for Cookie, and Ernie sang Rubber Ducky. Daddy got to sing for K, and knew the words, so she was pretty amazed...or just happy. Plus, to top it off, there was a Super Grover appearance, which K kept laughing at (Though, I'm more and more concerned why Miss Piggy and Grover have the exact same voice).
After K ate, she was a crank pot. So, we tried some different things out. Played for a while. Danced a bit. Then, finally, I sat down for a while because we were tiring Sydney (and I) out by moving all around the house. Within seconds of sitting down, K's head was buried in my arm, and she was asleep.
Not a bad day at all...