K's talking up a storm. She can sing the ABC song (along with Twinkle, Twinkle and Baa Baa Black Sheep [same tune]), and count to 10. She runs around like a firebolt, and regularly jumps on her pup (she now calls the pup Sydney [sounds like Ssss...ITNEY]). K can even pull herself up onto the couch.
This weekend, K went to track practice with Daddy. She was amazed by high jump, and clapped and cheered for finishers as they did their laps and 200s during practice. It didn't matter what rep they were on, she cheered just like she cheered for the runners last week while Daddy ran the Iron Horse Half Marathon. Especially fun for K was trying to pick up the shot put, and jumping on the high jump mats while she was at practice.
K also visited Nana and Oji's because Auntie Niff was in town. She played with Aunto and Auntie Niff, and chased Cammy and Sydney. After dinner, K enjoyed a grape popsicle.
Finally, K got a new chair that's just her size. It's for the patio, but is currently in the living room. Maybe it will keep her from jumping on the pup...but I doubt it!