This weekend was Halloween. K started the day by going to a 5k that Daddy was coordinating. Though it was a bit misty, K made the best of the day. She loved the walkers with dogs, bananas, bagels, and especially yelling for the runners to "GO FAST!!!" Afterward, it was the family world-tour. K, as you can see, was dressed as a monkey. She was excellent at making monkey noises. Still, she didn't really like saying "trick-or-treat" when we arrived at somebody's house. The following day was Daddy's first chance at doing yard work in a LONG time. K had a ball chasing Sydney and jumping in the leaves. Overall, a productive weekend.
This weekend was very full. K spent most of Saturday cheering for her Daddy as he ran a marathon!
It was very tiring...for K :)
Sunday, K went apple picking (sorry no pics :( ), and ran around the orchard. She loved playing "I'm gonna get you" with Mommy at the orchard. Afterward, K, Mommy, and Daddy went to a park to go on the slides and swings.
There have been some important happenings lately. For instance, K is now 78 weeks old...or a year and a half. This past week has been big...It started with K's cousin L being baptized. Then, Wednesday, we all went to Grandma & Pop's for dinner. Where K and the cousins (N & L) posed, and K played politician (kissing babies). Thursday, K went to dinner with Mama and Daddy because it was their 5th anniversary. Saturday, we went to the Southington Italian Festival (which ranks right around the Ponte club the rear... behind #1 The Cercemaggiore Festa in Oakville, and #2 the one at my parent's church [LEMON ICES!]). Finally, we celebrated K's HALF birthday with HALF an Elmo cupcake this Sunday. The results...were just as messy as 6 months ago.
I can't update fast enough! There was father's day. K's got another cousin. BIG THINGS! This weekend was sort of a long weekend. Mama and Daddy had their birthdays, a wedding, and threw a bbq. All this meant a big, long weekend for K!
Thursday-K went to the Festa at Grandma and Pop's church...Daddy wanted Lemon Ices, but
there weren't any. Still, K got a balloon, and met a friendly chihuahua.
Friday-Mama's birthday party at Nana and Oji's...with Bobbi too. K clearly loved her icecream.
Saturday-Mama and Daddy went to a wedding, so K spent the night at Grandma and Pop's. She went to an amusement park, road the carousel and the train. That night, more icecream at a local farm, where K saw live cows...WOW!
Sunday-The BBQ...look at patriotic K and her monkey, "Monkey."
Monday-Back at Grandma and Pop's...K ate corn and icecream. Then, since K got messy, and took a bath with her cousin, N. K made sure to point out N's belly, among other things.
K's talking up a storm. She can sing the ABC song (along with Twinkle, Twinkle and Baa Baa Black Sheep [same tune]), and count to 10. She runs around like a firebolt, and regularly jumps on her pup (she now calls the pup Sydney [sounds like Ssss...ITNEY]). K can even pull herself up onto the couch.
This weekend, K went to track practice with Daddy. She was amazed by high jump, and clapped and cheered for finishers as they did their laps and 200s during practice. It didn't matter what rep they were on, she cheered just like she cheered for the runners last week while Daddy ran the Iron Horse Half Marathon. Especially fun for K was trying to pick up the shot put, and jumping on the high jump mats while she was at practice.
K also visited Nana and Oji's because Auntie Niff was in town. She played with Aunto and Auntie Niff, and chased Cammy and Sydney. After dinner, K enjoyed a grape popsicle.
Finally, K got a new chair that's just her size. It's for the patio, but is currently in the living room. Maybe it will keep her from jumping on the pup...but I doubt it!
I found myself up late last night, dumbfounded. This is not a rare occurrence, however this time it was something more than that coffee at 8 pm, whether or not I'm going to get in trouble for my word choice when explaining to a student why he/she is disrupting class, pondering if dolphins truly are the 2nd most intelligent species on the planet (see here* ), or wondering what the question to the answer to life, the universe, and everything (the answer to life, the universe, and everything is, of course, 42...but we are not aware of the question**). Our little girl, K, was going to be a year old in the morning. Her birthday was hours away. Then, I really had a melt down...2008 was a leap year, so she was ALREADY 365 days old! S agreed with me, that she was growing so fast, and we both kind of were bummed and happy at the same time.
When I arrived at work today, it was sort of surreal. We had already sung happy birthday when we woke her up. Pictures were taken. But work was different. I had the usual conversation for a Monday, starting with, "How was your weekend?" When I spoke with John, I mentioned the birthday party (of course). He said, "She's a year old already. Wow. How are you handling that?" I told him how freaked out I was last night. And he said, "Yeah, I was the same way. Worse, my daughter is going to be 5 tomorrow. That's NUTS! I was bad at 1, and I'm really bummed she's 5 already. It is so fast!" I'm only assuming that 2, 3, and 4 were okay. Could be wrong. But it sure helped to know I wasn't the only one to have been a little shaken up by the first birthday. That made it a lot easier to digest. Plus, how can you not enjoy this video of the baby.
*For further information regarding the source of So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish, see here or here for a more thorough explanation. Trust me, it may come in handy if Vogons come to destroy Earth to make way for an inter-stellar bypass.**For further information regarding this, see here. Read the complete plot summary.
Recently, there's been a lot of hullaballoo in K's life. She's had her first Thanksgiving, and her first Christmas, too (see the pic of K, Mama, and Daddy from Christmas Eve Snapfish:Photo:Shared). All through the Christmas season, K was fascinated by her personal elf, Andy Alpine. He watched over our house, making sure we were all making the NICE list. Everytime K spotted him on the shelf, she'd point him out, and occassionally say her favorite thing "HI!" (she also can say, but sometimes has trouble getting it out, Mama, Dada, and she also says TRUE, but means TREE, as in the Christmas Tree).
K has really been a bundle of fun over the past few weeks. Christmas vacation has been great, getting to play with her, and steal kisses all day, EVERY day. Great Fun! Since Thanksgiving, K has been walking with help. Using items to stand on her own. Best of all, as of Christmas Eve, K finally cut her first tooth (upper, left: front). Since then, its partner has come in, and thought I'm sure it will change, she currently looks a bit like Michael Strahan.
Christmas was fun, but hectic. K got lots of good toys, and more great clothes. Her favorite gift, so far, has been her "Cookie Monster-Chatters."
So, that's about it, until I get some video and pictures uploaded.
Recently, there's been a lot of hullaballoo in K's life. She's had her first Thanksgiving, and her first Christmas, too (see the pic of K, Mama, and Daddy from Christmas Eve Snapfish:Photo:Shared). All through the Christmas season, K was fascinated by her personal elf, Andy Alpine. He watched over our house, making sure we were all making the NICE list. Everytime K spotted him on the shelf, she'd point him out, and occassionally say her favorite thing "HI!" (she also can say, but sometimes has trouble getting it out, Mama, Dada, and she also says TRUE, but means TREE, as in the Christmas Tree).
K has really been a bundle of fun over the past few weeks. Christmas vacation has been great, getting to play with her, and steal kisses all day, EVERY day. Great Fun! Since Thanksgiving, K has been walking with help. Using items to stand on her own. Best of all, as of Christmas Eve, K finally cut her first tooth (upper, left: front). Since then, its partner has come in, and thought I'm sure it will change, she currently looks a bit like Michael Strahan.
Christmas was fun, but hectic. K got lots of good toys, and more great clothes. Her favorite gift, so far, has been her "Cookie Monster-Chatters."
So, that's about it, until I get some video and pictures uploaded.