25 July, 2011

Swim lessons

All summer long, K has had swim lessons (you know, since the pool bubble ruptured last winter, it's been a long time).  She's been progressing really well.  Now, she kicks around the shallow end of the pool using the noodle while Mama or any other swim teacher watches.  When Daddy's been around, she chases him.

After the second day of lessons, K wanted goggles so she could "go under water."  This consisted of going up to her nose, but never actually getting under.  She used to love jumping into the pool.  Then, last week, some boy cried about jumping in, and since then, K hasn't really wanted to.

In fact, she thinks she's sneaky.  She takes off her goggles and tells the swim teacher she can't go under water.  Today, she did one jump, but kept her head above water.  She then tried to escape before the second jump at the end of her lesson.  We sent her back.

The instructor grabbed K, made her jump, and then dunked her good.  It was awesome.  Mama and Daddy told K how great it was.  We hope she's up for jumping in again.  We'll also remember the new camera.

*Photos added July 26, 2011

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