26 March, 2008

Sleepless- er, Sleeping through the night #2

Well, it wasn't exactly how I had hoped, but not too bad. Here's the short and long of it (not really sure what that phrase means but it seems to go).
2:50am - K wakes up. Her eyes are closed as she cries. I think, hmm. Maybe she's still tired. I re-swaddle her (she is constantly breaking free, that little Houdini). I ESP to her "You don't need a bottle. You went eight hours last night without a bottle. No bottle for you." She appears to understand. I bounce her for a little bit. She appears to be asleep. I put her down. Eyes open.
3:00am - Attempt number 2. The glider. I rock her for a few minutes. I'm quite surprised that she hasn't screamed at me for a bottle yet. I continue my ESP. "No bottle. You aren't hungry." I'm pleased that I did not go through the bottle warming process. She appears to be asleep. I put her down. She struggles a little. Then, eyes open. Hmm. At this point I'm thinking, I could have just given her the bottle by now. But, I'm trying to prove a point here. No bottle needed at 3am.
3:10ish - Attempt number 3. Bounce, walk, rock. She likes this combination. I think about building some sort of contraption that would do all these things at once. Or possibly grow about 3 extra arms. A few minutes later, she is snoring. Snoring does not always indicate sleeping. However, when I put her down again, she cranes her neck a little (she does this quite well), and then relaxes. Finally, asleep.
3:18- Back in bed. Wondering when she will wake up for real.
4:15- Crying. I think, let's try the same trick. Maybe something startled her. But no, she has broken her hands free from the swaddle and started gnawing on them. And we all know what gnawing on hands means: I'm hungry.
So, she did approximately 6 hours without a bottle. It's not exactly progress but it could have been worse. I could have given her the bottle at 3am. I still have hope for tonight.


S said...

I'm actually eager with anticipation to see if you can both make it through the night together!

S said...

P.S., I like that you and K have ESP. K and I don't have that. I think she thinks, "Oh, her again? Yeah, time to cry."